Originality to the fullest!
Dude, just wow. I've never seen anything like it. Animination was definitely holding it's own against the best of the best, as everything went so smoothly. Expressions of the faces and body movements of the characters were unique and not bland. It was great over-all. [10/10]
The story itself is a original to say the least. A little midget as a hero, isn't something I've seen before, so I'm enjoying that concept. The characters were different from one another, no two personalities alike. More importantly than that, is the comedy scripting. There was a part that grossed me out, but it was hilarious in it's own way. I was chuckling the whole way through, it was awesome. I've not seen anything that had me laughing most of the flash. [10/10]
Voice acting... Dude, if you didn't say the most of the voices in the flash was mostly you, I would have NEVER guessed it. Such a wide range of voices between you and Sentrix. And the music, definitely fits the mood and time period. Sound effects were an added boost to the flash as a whole... The voices and sounds weren't scratchy, overly loud, or anything. [10/10]
Nothing left to say, it's pretty much a [10/10] in my opinion.It's as good as they come. You certainly know how to make a flash interesting and original. Trust me, I'll be looking for your next one. You've got me interested!